

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Stairs for the individualist : a staircase on air

It's so challenging.... focusing on the essentials and step by step, a small masterpiece : How can one describe the new generation of stairs stair master. But the technical refinements that might be involved? It stands on one side of the customer in the foreground, on the other hand, the question is whether such extravagant designs at all possible. Both to reconcile, distinguishes the new staircase models: individual solutions that are consistent with the building regulations.

Extravagant and failed - this is about "ego". The steps are medium - duty anchor bolts and sound-reducing anchored directly into the wall collar, seemingly weightless out from the wall. A design for which registration is required and must be implemented only in single family homes. Stairs without railings are permitted in some states or country, however, the builder must remove the stair builders in the event of an accident from liability because the homeowners who have all the responsibility here.
Wood, steel and glass - a modern, functional and aesthetically eclectic mix combines to design a variable number of  loft. Interesting issues arise with various rail railing variations and combinations with glass at the conclusion of railings - perfect for minimalist design of modern architecture appropriate. On the relevant certificates should builders do respect and have the evidence to present to you in writing.

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