

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Maximize productvity with organize the home office

The Home Office loses its advantages when it is organized and spaces are invaded by a lot of mail and  documents on the desk...what a mess. The computer and internet has solved well all the various problems related to documentation, then just rearrange the office space into some good suggestions.
To increase labor productivity, it is necessary to better organize the space, if the desk is flooded with articles and charts that can instead be placed in specific cabinets, bookcases etc...each must be ordered within its own site. Whether you have a large area is a small office, the trick is to use the space wisely and keep free the desktop, it will be easier if every element is well-organized.

Fundamental to an area office to organize and keep on hand all that is necessary to your work, if everything is in order then it will be useful to have over to your PC, block-notes, pens, telephone and all necessary office supplies . It will benefit if you do not have to get up from your desk several times to reach objects useful for your work. 

Another thing is a suitable climate.....the climate in your office will make a difference on how you're producing. Make sure that the air conditioning, heating, ventilation and fresh options are always available and are not extreme, that is too hot / cold or if it blows air directly on you, etc. ...
It will be good to have a source of natural light, and the desk placed in front of a window or with a view to the outside help. If you do not have windows or natural light, you will need to have more sources of artificial light, and it will be equally useful to have the paintings or works of art around so that they can generate creativity.
But labor productivity is also based on the ability to enjoy the surroundings. It will be well organized space with personal touches and decorations that you like. It does not help to have a gray wall in front of you, as it does not help even the opposite, the ideal colors are soft and relaxing, it is unnecessary cluttering of ornaments, but also a color that makes you feel at ease. Important for your office is to have a desk and chair comfort, style and good organization will make the difference. The office supply stores, will give very good solutions and good ideas for organizing the home office.
Other suggestions will be taken in a way separate the corner office or the office room from the rest of the house, or rather try not to have the room in disarray with children's games or other items that may be distracting for the job. Hopefully with a few suggestions that will further enhance your productivity.

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